
Miners are special classes which hold default Neo4j queries that can be used to extract data. At the moment, there are 4 standard miners, specific to the most important node entities in the graph:

  • CommitMiner - default queries for commits (including relationships to other nodes),
  • DeveloperMiner - default queries for developers (including relationships to other nodes),
  • FileMiner - default queries for files (including relationships to other nodes),
  • MethodMiner - default queries for methods (including relationships to other nodes),

and a MineManager, which initializes and configures all miners.

We recommend to always use the MineManager for initialization, since there is no overhead over initializing only one miner. Using a config file (see Configuration), the Minemanager can be initialized as follows:

from graphrepo.miners import MineManager

# initialize mine manager
miner = MineManager(config_path=args.config)

# The specific miners can now be accessed as:


